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For more examples click here on MY VIMEO CHANNEL or MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL

Higlight Film

Highlight films are a recap of the entire wedding day. They capture everything from the bride and groom anxiously getting ready, to running through the wedding sparklers towards their honeymoon getaway! These films are a great way to show your family and friends about how your wedding day went, while also capturing the memories. 

Main Events

Main events are the heart of any wedding. They are a great way for you to hold on to the happenings of your wedding that you find most dear to you. You will be able to reminisce on the first dances, what your bridal party did for their entrances, and even get to look back on the immense amount of effort that was given for your garder or bouquet. This is a great addition to any of my wedding packages, and you shouldn't pass it up.

Rehearsal Dinner Slideshows

Rehearsal dinner slideshows are vital to any rehersal dinner the night before the wedding. These are great ways to show your family and friends through snap shots what has happened in each of the bride and grooms life leading up to their wedding day. 

Ceremony (Edited)

Ceremonys are the paramount of almost any wedding, so, in turn, they should be edited that way. The ceremony is captured with multiple cameras from different angles. Just check out the one above! The pastor even has a GoPro on his chest... seriously.

Video Booth

Video booths? Yes. VIDEO BOOTHS! They are the new and improved way to pump up the reception experience for your guests. Much like photo booths, video booths show your guests wearing goofy hats and fun costumes, but this time through a more interactive adventure. What's a better way to capture the fun that all your guests were having?! There isn't. 


There are plenty of other videos for events and parties that we can do. Whether it is a surprise for someones engagement, or a surprise for someones birthday. I do it all! If you have questions about a video would be perfect to fit your event or party, don't be scared to contact. I have plenty of ideas in store. 

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